Octoprobe entry page


HIL (Hardware in the Loop) testinfrastructure

Presentation at MicroPython Meetup Melbourne


See Terms


  • octoprobe allows to automatically test various micropython boards against various gadgets.

  • Tests should run automatically and include firmware update.

  • Tests should be triggered from the github workflow, for example on commits or pull requests.

octoprobe testenvironment

  • Software

    • dockerized on linux

    • Test script: pytest

    • github runner

  • Hardware

    • A tentacle may be ordered assembled at JLCPCB and will cost below USD50.

    • Every tentacle is equipped by a RP2040 which controls the DUT.

    • The Inkbus connects the tentacles. Typically exactly one BoardTentacle and one GadgetTentacle is connected to the Inkbus.

  • Extended Hardware

    • octoprobe may also have specialized tentacles like a scope tentacle.

    • octoprobe may also control cams to read displays, wlan hotspot, etc.

  • Firmware under test

    • Must be provided by the tester

  • Test software

    • octoprobe provides basic functionality like updating firmware, connecting the inkbus, tentacle inventory.

    • However the pytest code itselve is provided by the tester together with the firmware.

Tentacles / testbed_showcase

Kicad schmatics/pcb may be found herex.

A testbed describes how test using a set of tentacles.

testbed_showcase is described here here and allows to test i2c, uart, onewire and timers.

4 tentacles - ribbon cable


4 tentacles - stacked


MCU tentacle


Test flow

In this test the OLED display shall be tested agains PYBv1.1 and ESP32 using firmware v9.12.

sequenceDiagram participant github participant U as octoprobe participant TP as Tentacle PYBv1.1 participant TE as Tentacle ESP32 participant TO as Tentacle OLED participant I as Inkbus github->>U: send firmware v9.12 and testcode Note over U,TO: Test PYBv1.1 vs OLED U->>+TP: update firmware TP->>+I: connect to inkbus TO->>+I: connect to inkbus U->>+TP: run pytest TP-->>-U: collect results I-->>-TP: disconnect inkbus I-->>-TO: disconnect inkbus Note over U,TO: Test ESP32 vs OLED U->>+TE: update firmware TE->>+I: connect to inkbus TO->>+I: connect to inkbus U->>+TE: run pytest TE-->>-U: collect results I-->>-TE: disconnect inkbus I-->>-TO: disconnect inkbus U-->>github: testresults