from __future__ import annotations
import abc
import dataclasses
import enum
import pathlib # pylint: disable=W0611:unused-import
from .util_tentacle_label.label_data import LabelData, LabelsData
TENTACLE_TYPE_MCU = "tentacle_mcu"
class OctoprobeTestException(Exception):
This exception terminates a test.
class OctoprobeAppExitException(Exception):
This exception terminates the application
When this exception is thrown, everything has been handled and logged.
When this exception is caught, the only thing to do is the
message "Terminating test due to OctoprobeTestException" and exit.
class VersionMismatchException(OctoprobeTestException):
def __init__(self, msg: str, version_installed: str, version_expected: str):
assert isinstance(msg, str)
assert isinstance(version_installed, str)
assert isinstance(version_expected, str)
self.msg = msg
self.version_installed = version_installed
self.version_expected = version_expected
full_msg = f"{self.msg}: Version installed: '{self.version_installed}' but expected: '{self.version_expected}'!"
def assert_micropython_repo(directory: pathlib.Path) -> None:
if not (directory / "ports").is_dir():
raise OctoprobeAppExitException(
f"Directory does not point to the top of a micropython repo: {directory}"
class UsbID:
The usb specification defines a vendor and a product id
vendor_id: int
product_id: int
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (
class BootApplicationUsbID:
A mcu typically has a different vendor-id/product-id in boot mode and application mode.
boot: UsbID
usb id's in boot/programming mode
application: UsbID
usb id's in application mode
class PropertyString:
Example: programmer=picotool,xy=5
text: str
def get_tag_mandatory(self, tag: str) -> str:
v = self.get_tag(tag=tag, mandatory=True)
assert v is not None
return v
def get_tag(self, tag: str, mandatory: bool = False) -> None | str:
Example: get_tag("xy") -> "5"
if len(self.text) > 0:
for x in self.text.split(","):
_tag, value = x.split("=")
if _tag == tag:
return value
if mandatory:
raise ValueError(f"No '{tag}' specified in '{self.text}'!")
return None
@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True, repr=True, eq=True)
class TentacleSpecBase(abc.ABC):
Specification for a Tentacle, for example:
>>> TentacleSpec(
futs=[EnumFut.FUT_I2C, EnumFut.FUT_UART],
This class is heavely used in testcode and therefore has to support
typehints and code completion to ease the work of writing/maintaining testcode.
Therefore this class uses `generics
which allows to define parts of this class on testbed level.
tentacle_type: enum.StrEnum
tentacle_tag: str
futs: list[enum.StrEnum]
doc: str
tags: str
relays_closed: dict[enum.StrEnum | None, list[int]] = dataclasses.field(
default_factory=lambda: {None: []}
If the key is None, the value defines the relays to be closed by default.
mcu_usb_id: BootApplicationUsbID | None = None
programmer_args: list[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
Special argumets...
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
assert isinstance(self.tentacle_type, enum.StrEnum)
assert isinstance(self.tentacle_tag, str)
assert isinstance(self.futs, list)
assert isinstance(self.doc, str)
assert isinstance(self.tags, str)
assert isinstance(self.relays_closed, dict)
assert isinstance(self.mcu_usb_id, BootApplicationUsbID | None)
assert isinstance(self.programmer_args, list)
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash(f"{self.tentacle_type}-{self.tentacle_tag}")
def get_tag(self, tag: str) -> str | None:
Find a tag in a string like ``boards=RPI_PICO,mcu=rp2,programmer=picotool``.
:param tag: ``mcu`` in above string
:type tag: str
:return: In this example: ``rp2``
:rtype: str | None
return PropertyString(self.tags).get_tag(tag)
def get_tag_mandatory(self, tag: str) -> str:
return PropertyString(self.tags).get_tag_mandatory(tag)
def is_mcu(self) -> bool:
return self.tentacle_type.value == TENTACLE_TYPE_MCU
def description(self) -> str: ...
@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True, repr=True, eq=True)
class TentacleInstance:
serial: str
tentacle_spec: TentacleSpecBase
hw_version: str
testbed_name: str
testbed_instance: str
def label_data(self) -> LabelData:
return LabelData(
class TentaclesInventory(dict[str, TentacleInstance]):
def labels_data(self) -> LabelsData:
return LabelsData([instance.label_data for instance in self.values()])
class TentaclesCollector:
Allows to create inventory lists in a compact form.
def __init__(self, testbed_name: str) -> None:
assert isinstance(testbed_name, str)
self.testbed_name = testbed_name
self.inventory = TentaclesInventory()
def set_testbed_name(self, testbed_name: str) -> TentaclesCollector:
assert isinstance(testbed_name, str)
self.testbed_name = testbed_name
return self
def add_testbed_instance(
self, testbed_instance: str, tentacles: list[tuple[str, str, TentacleSpecBase]]
) -> TentaclesCollector:
assert isinstance(testbed_instance, str)
assert isinstance(tentacles, list)
for serial, hw_version, tentacle_spec in tentacles:
assert isinstance(serial, str)
assert isinstance(hw_version, str)
assert isinstance(tentacle_spec, TentacleSpecBase)
tentacle_instance = TentacleInstance(
assert (
tentacle_instance.serial not in self.inventory
), f"Duplicated tentacle serial {tentacle_instance.serial}!"
self.inventory[tentacle_instance.serial] = tentacle_instance
return self